Publications 2022

Ishikawa, M.; Gurski, L.; Bleninger, T.; Rohr, H.; Wolf, N.; Lorke, A. (2022):
Hydrodynamic Drivers of Nutrient and Phytoplankton Dynamics in a Subtropical Reservoir. Water 2022, 14, 1544.

Sotiri K., Kishi R. T., Hilgert S., Scheer B. M., Gabriel P., Benatto D. A., Fuchs S. (2022):
Assessment of Phosphorus Input from Urban Areas in the Passaúna River and Reservoir, Water 14(5):809, DOI: 10.3390/w14050809

Ishikawa, M., Gonzalez, W., Golyjeswski, O., Sales, G., Rigotti, J. A., Bleninger, T., . . . Lorke, A. (2022):
Effects of dimensionality on the performance of hydrodynamic models for stratified lakes and reservoirs. Geosci. Model Dev., 15(5), 2197-2220. doi:10.5194/gmd-15-2197-2022

Marcon L., Sotiri K., Bleninger T., Lorke A., Männich M., Hilgert S. (2022):
Acoustic Mapping of Gas Stored in Sediments of Shallow Aquatic Systems Linked to Methane Production and Ebullition Patterns, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 2022, 10.3389/fenvs.2022.876540  

Publications 2021

de Carvalho Bueno, R., Bleninger, T., & Lorke, A. (2021):
Internal wave analyzer for thermally stratified lakes. Environmental Modelling & Software, 136, 104950. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104950

Ishikawa M., Bleninger T. & Lorke A. (2021):
Hydrodynamics and mixing mechanisms in a subtropical reservoir, Inland Waters, DOI: 10.1080/20442041.2021.1932391

Nakao, L.T.H., Krueger, C.P. & Bleninger, T. (2021): 
Benchmarking for using an acoustic Doppler current profiler for bathymetric survey. Environ Monit. Assess 193, 356 (2021).

Sotiri K., Hilgert S., Mannich M., Bleninger T., Fuchs S. (2021): 
Implementation of comparative detection approaches for the accurate assessment of sediment thickness and sediment volume in the Passaúna Reservoir, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 287, 2021, 112298, ISSN 0301-4797,

Hilgert, S.; Sotiri, K.; Fuchs, S. (2021):
Comparative overview of reservoir siltation assessment techniques depending on the type of sediment.EGU General Assembly 2021.

Sotiri, K.; Hilgert, S.; Mannich, M.; Bleninger, T.;  Fuchs, S. (2021):
A combination of measuring approaches for increasing the accuracy in sediment magnitude assessment in the Passaúna Reservoir.Journal of Environmental Management.

Hilgert, S.; Sotiri, K.; Fuchs, S. (2021):
Methods to assess reservoirs’ siltation: A review of different case studies. Poser/Article

Haag, I., Krumm, J., Aigner D., Steinbrich A., Weiler, M. (2021):
Simulation von starkregenbedingtem Hochwasser  mit dem Wasserhaushaltsmodell LARSIM. Poser/Article

Ishikawa, M ., Haag, I., Krumm, J., Teltscher, K., Lorke A. (2021):
The effect of stream shading on the inflow characteristics in a downstream reservoir. River research applications; presentation: PPNW online 2020.

Gonzalez, W., Ishikawa, M., Seidel, F. and Bleninger, T. (2021):
3D numerical modelling of the hydrodynamics in a tropical reservoir: investigation of the driving processes. Poser/Article

Gonzalez, W., Maudody, M., Wosiacki, L., Seidel, F. and Bleninger, T.  (2021) :
Numerical modelling of the sedimentation in a tropical reservoir: water temperature and wind effects. Poser/Article

Gonzalez, W., Mees, D. and Seidel, F. (2021):
Study on the complexity reduction of the input data for 3D numerical modeling of the hydrodynamics and sediment transport in a tropical reservoir.EGU General Assembly 2021. Poser/Article

Lorke, A.; Rigotti, A.; Sales, G.; Ishikawa, M.; Mannich, M.; Bleninger, T.; Golyjeswski, O.; Gonzalez, W. (2021):
Comparison of the application of three models of distinct dimensionalities for the stratification and hydrodynamics of Passaúna Reservoir. Poser/Article

Jijon-Palma, M. E., Kern, J., Amisse C., Centeno, J. A. S. (2021):
Improving Stacked-Autoencoders with 1D Convolutional-Nets for Hyperspectral Image land-cover Classification.Journal of Applied Remote Sensing.

Ishikawa, M.; Bleninger, T.; Lorke, A.(2021):
Hydrodynamics and mixing mechanisms of a small subtropical reservoir. Inland Waters, PPNW 2019. 

Publications 2020

Gonzalez, W., Klassen, I., Jakobs, A., and Seidel, F. (2020):
3D numerical studies on stratification and mixing processes affecting fine sediment transport in the pre-dam of the Dhünnreservoir in Germany.EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020.

Centeno, J. A. S., Kerm, J., Mitishita, E. A., & Palma, M. E. J. (2020):
PCA Band Selection Method For A Hyperspectral Sensors Onboard an UAV. In 2020 IEEE Latin American GRSS & ISPRS Remote Sensing Conference (LAGIRS) (pp. 328-332). IEEE.

Nüst, D.; Jürrens, E-H.; Gräler, B.; Jirka, S. (2020):
Accessing environmental time series data in R from Sensor Observation Services with ease. Presentation at the EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 5. Mai 2020.

Malewski, C. (2020):
Integration of Raster Time Series with the Sensor Web. Presentation at the Geospatial Sensing Virtual 2020, Online, 31. August 2020.

Gräler, B.; Jürrens, E.-H.; Appel, M.; Malewski, C. (2020):
Seamless Integration of Pixel Time Series in the Sensor Web. Geospatial Sensing Virtual 2020, Online, 31. August 2020.

Publications 2019

Marcon, L.; Bleninger, T.; Männich, M.; Hilgert, S. (2019):
High-frequency measurements of gas ebullition in a Brazilian subtropical reservoir—identification of relevant triggers and seasonal patterns.  

Hilgert, S.; Sotiri, K.; Marcon, L.; Liu, L.; Bleninger, T.; Mannich, M.; Fuchs, S. (2019) :
Resolving spatial heterogeneities of methane ebullition flux from a Brazilian Reservoir by combining hydro-acoustic measurements with methane production potential. 38th International Association of Hydro Resources World Congress, Panama City, Panama.

Hilgert, S.; Sotiri, K.; Fuchs, S. (2019) :
Advanced Assessment of sediment characteristics based on rheological and hydro-acoustic measurements in a Brazilian rezervoir. 38th International Association of Hydro Resources World Congress, Panama City, Panama. 

Sotiri, K.; Hilgert, S.; Fuchs, S. (2019) :
Derivation of a hydro-acoustic sediment classification methodology from an extensive dataset of six reservoirs. 38th International Association of Hydro Resources World Congress, Panama City, Panama.

Sotiri, K.; Hilgert, S.; Gorochocki, P.; Wagner, A.; Duraes, M.; Drummond, S.; Kishi, R.; Fuchs, S.; Scheer, M. (2019) : 
Understanding sediment transport processes – coupling erosion with reservoir siltation. 11th Symposium for European Freshwater sciences, Zagreb, Croatia.

Sotiri, K.; Hilgert, S.; Zhang, Ch.; da Silva Santos, L.; Fuchs, S. (2019) :
Evaluation of two different modeling approaches for erosion and sediment input assessment. 9th International conference of the European Society for Soil Conservation. Tirana, Albania

Malewski, Ch.; Förster, Ch.; Graeler, B.; Jirka, S. (2019) :
Kann die Wasserqualität in Stauseen aus Satellitendaten abgeleitet werden? Wasserwirtschaft 109 (7-8): 44-47

Ishikawa, M.; Lorke, A.; (2019) :
Hydrodynamics and mixing mechanisms in Passaúna reservoir: The importance of lateral flow paths for the thermal regime. 22nd PPNW - Physical Processes in Natural Waters Workshop, Yichang, China

Kern, J.; Schenk, A. (2019):
A multi-modal system for monitoring of water quality – setup and first results from Passauná reservoir. XIX SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO, Santos, Brazil

Sotiri, K.; Hilgert, S.; Fuchs, S. (2019):
Sediment classification in a Brazilian reservoir: Pros and cons of parametric low frequencies. Journal of Advances in Oceanography and Limnology (in press)

Fuchs, S.;  Hilgert, S.; Sotiri, K.; Wagner, A.; Ishikawa, M.; Kern, J.; Jirka, S.; Klassen, I.; Krumm, J.; Malewski, C.; Rohr, H.; Pakzad, K. (2019):
Sustainable management of reservoirs - defining minimum data needs and model complexity. Conference: GRoW- Water as a Global Resource, Status Seminar 2019, Frankfurt

Wagner, A.; Hilgert, S.; Kishi T., R.; Drummond, S.; Kiemle, L.; Nickel, J. P.; Sotiri, K.; Fuchs, S. (2019):
Flow-proportional large volume composite sampling to assess substance fluxes. Oral Presentation, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-18649, 2019. EGU General Assembly 2019

Krumm, J., Haag, I. (2019):
Multikriterielle Analyse eines Wasserhaushaltsmodells unter Berücksichtigung der Unsicherheit der Datengrundlage. Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, Heft 41.19.

Krumm, J., Haag, I. , Wolf N.(2019):
Adaption des Wasserhaushaltsmodells LARSIM zur Anwendung bei veränderter Datenlage und unter subtropischen Bedingungen am Beispiel des Passaúna (Brasilien). Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, Heft 41.19.

Krumm, J., Haag, I. (2019): 
Simulation des Wasserhaushalts für die Einzugsgebiete der Trinkwassertalsperren Große Dhünn (NRW) und Passaúna (Paraná, Brasilien). Vortrag beim Internationalen LARSIM-Anwenderworkshop 2019 am 19./20. März 2019 in Wiesbaden.

Oliveira, J.; Wosiacki, L.; Gurski, L.; Do Prado, L.; Knapik, H.; Rauen W, B.; Hilgert, S.; Fernandes, C.; Bleninger, T. (2019):
Concentration of solids in a supply reservoir: from the field to the laboratory and the manager. Presented at XXIII Simpósio brasileiro de recursos hídricos.

Barreto, N.; Gurski, L.;  Almeida, E.; Souza, C.; Dec, L.; Do Prado, L.; Hilgert, S.; Kishi, R.; Souza, D.; Knapik, H. (2019): 
Spatial and temporal variability of trophy degree in Passaúna reservoir - PR. Presented at XXIII Simpósio brasileiro de recursos hídricos.

Bernardini, G.; Gurski, L.; Knapik, H.; Fernandes, C.; Bleninger, T. (2019): 
Use of in situ optical sensors and spectroscopy techniques to study the variation of organic matter dissolved in reservoirs. Presented at XXIII Simpósio brasileiro de recursos hídricos.

Maurin, R.; Gräler, B.; Jürrens, E.-H.; Jirka, S. (2019):
Managing Earth Observation datasets as multidimensional arrays using SciDB and open standards. Poster at the EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 7th April 2019.

Malewski, C. (2019):
Samplings and Monitoring Programs -  Synchronizing Well-defined CSV Files with  the New Sensor Web Data Model. Oral gehalten auf der Geospatial Sensing 2019, Online, 3. September 2019.

Malewski, C.; Gräler, B.; Förster, C.; Jirka, S. (2019):
Kann die Wasserqualität in Stauseen aus Satellitendaten abgeleitet werden? WasserWirtschaft 109, Nr. 7–8 (1st August 2019): 44–47.

Jirka, S.; Rieke, M.; Remke, A.; Gräler, B.; de Wall, A.(2019):
Integration von In-Situ- und (Copernicus) Remote-Sensing-Daten in Informationsinfrastrukturen zur Umweltbeobachtung. 26. Workshop Arbeitskreis Umweltinformationssysteme - UIS 2019. Münster, Germany, 2019.

Gräler, B.; Malewski, C.; Förster, C.; Jirka, S. (2019):
Integration zeitlich hochauflösender Fernerkundungsdaten in das Sensor Web. 2. Bochumer Hydrometrie-Kolloquium, Bochum, Germany, 20th February 2019.

Publications 2018

Wagner, A.; Hilgert, S.; Kattenborn, T.; Fuchs, S. (2018): 
Proximal VIS-NIR Spectrometry to Retrieve Substance Concentrations in Surface Waters Using Partial Least Squares Modelling. In: New Technologies in Water Sector. Conference Proceedings. 10th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference IWA YWP, 7-12 May 2018, Zagreb, Croatia. p. 194-201.


Kern, J.; Schenk, A.; Hinz, S. (2018):
UAS-based hyper-spectral imaging for estimation of water quality parameters in reservoirs. Poster presentation, EGU General Assembly 2018


Kern, J.; Schenk, A.; Hinz, S.(2018):
Radiometric calibration of a UAV-mounted hyperspectral snapshot camera with focus on uniform spectral sampling. 9th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS)


Rauen W, B.; da Silva M, G.; Hilgert, S.; Sotiri, K.; Knapik, H.; Fernandes C, V.; Dziedzic, M.; Scheer, M.; Bleninger, T. (2018):
Reservoir siltation assessment: Critical analysis based on a public water supply reservoir, situated in an urban area. Brazilian Meeting of Sediment Engineering ENES 2018, Vitoria ES, Brazil.


Do Prado, L.; Sotiri, K.; Rauen W, B.; Knapik H, G.; Fernandes C, V. (2018):
Particle size distribution of reservoir bottom sediment: are we really measuring what we believe to measure? Brazilian Meeting of Sediment Engineering ENES 2018; Vitoria ES, Brazil.


Gräler, B.; Stasch, C.; Jirka, S.; Malewski, C.; Förster, C.; Remke, A. (2018):
Combining remote sensing and in-situ data for water body monitoring. EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 10. April 2018.