Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Water and River Basin Management, Department of Aquatic Environmental Engineering (IWG-SWW)
One of the main focuses of the IWG-SWW is the modeling of substances on the scale of catchment areas. With the model implementation MoRE (Modeling of Regionalized Emissions), a flexible tool for the quantification of substances is given, which is used by Germany to fulfill the reporting requirements according to the WFD. Other research areas that are relevant to the project are in the area of the rehabilitation of standing water bodies.
Key activities within the project:
- Coordination of the project
- River basin / watershed modeling
- Near-field remote sensing (using hyperspectral sensor)
- Measurement of substances
- Bathymetry and sediment survey
Institute of Water and River Basin Management
Department of Aquatic Environmental Engineering
Head of Department |
Coordination Dr.-Ing. Stephan Hilgert Gotthard-Franz-Str.3, Bldg. 50.31 76131 Karlsruhe Phone: +49 721 608-46657 Fax: +49 721 608-44729 Email: stephan hilgert ∂does-not-exist.kit edu Expertise: Sedimentdetektion, Hydroakustik, Sedimenttransport, P-Budget Interests: Hyperspektralmessungen, Modeladaption |
Research Assistant |
Research Assistant |
Research Assistant |