Stausee52°North - Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH, Münster

52°North - Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH is the administrative office for the open source software initiative 52°North. The network of partners from research, industry and public administration fosters innovation in the field of Geoinformatics through a collaborative R&D process.
The 52°North R&D communities develop new concepts and technologies e.g. for managing near real-time sensor data, integrating geoprocessing technologies into SDIs, making use of GRID- and Cloud technologies. They evaluate new macro trends, such as the Internet of Things, the Semantic Web or Linked Open Data, and find ways to unfold their use in practice.

Key activities within the project:

  • Responsible for SensorWeb and interface development for data transfer

52° North

  Head of Department
Simon Jirka
Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Münster
Phone: +49 251 39637131
Fax: +49 (0)251 39637111
Email: s jirka does-not-exist.52north org