University Koblenz Landau, Institute of Environmental Physics
The research of the Environmental Physics group focuses on environmental fluid mechanics and physical limnology. They investigate how fluid flow in aquatic environments is generated, how it interacts with organisms, transports material and affects biogeochemical transformations.
The interdisciplinary research projects range from analyses of individual swimming organisms to the quantification of global biogeochemical cycles. With their findings they contribute to the understanding of how water systems are affected by climate change and how water resources management can be improved to provide sustainability and to maintain biodiversity. Founded in 2008, the group consists of physicists, engineers, environmental scientists, and geoecologists.
Key activities within the project:
- In-situ measurements, analytics, water quality monitoringGroup
University Koblenz-Landau
Head of Environmental Physics Andreas Lorke Prof. Dr. Fortstr.7, Bldg. I-3.10 76829 Landau Phone: +49 06341 28031317 Email: lorke ∂does-not-exist.uni-landau de |
Mayra Ishikawa Doktorandin (Umweltphysik) PhD student: Reservoir water quality Kontakt +49 6341 28031586 ishikawa at I 4.27 |